Monday, April 25, 2011


These are some rough notes on the workout I'm shooting for to-morrow morning. I've incorporated grip work, neck work, and bottom position work. In addition to this, since time is money, I'll be doing flat dumbbell bench presses, since I won't have a spotter. And this is not a leisurely Saturday afternoon where I can fool around with the power rack, benches, and j-sticks forever. Okay, so here goes.

Leg presses 1x15
Bottom position squats 1x10
Regular squats 1x10
Pullovers 1x20
Standing behind the neck presses 3x12
Shrugs 3x12
Behind the back shrugs 3x12
Flat bench dumbbell presses 3x12
One-armed deadlifts 1x15
Stiff-legged deadlifts 1x15
Bent over rows 1x15
Barbell curls 3x8
Reverse barbell curls 3x8
Nose breakers 3x8 
Neck lifts 1x15 (all four directions)


  1. That's a crazy routine you've got there! Are you going for a total body workout several times a week, or just cramming everything in at once due to time constraints?

    I'm really digging this new blog and, like yourself, am trying to turn myself into a beast. So I'll be avidly reading and hopefully sharing as well. It's all a learning experience at this point. For what it's worth, I highly recommend Schwarzenegger's "New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding." It's like the bible of weightlifting, with extensive exercises, charts, pictures, strategies and fantastic, detailed instructions on proper form and execution.

    I've also been getting into Victor Costa's stuff on YouTube:
    He's a stickler on form, and judging from the way he looks, his advice pays off.


  2. Hey, sorry for the late response. In Allentown, PA, on business. Great town. As for frequency and goals of my work out, I am going twice a week and doing mainly compound exercises, with the exception of arm work & neck work, b/c they are less time consuming and provide maximum results. As for diet, this is what an ex football player told me--graze all day, eat so much my jaw hurts, and eat so much that I ALMOST feel sick.
