Saturday, April 23, 2011


One thing I will never do is offer people advice regarding exercise. As I frequently say, I am not a medical doctor nor am I a professional. I am merely cataloguing what has or has not worked for me. Operation Human Monster is all about me, and hopefully, as a by-product people are entertained and are provided with interesting subject matter. 

You may be different, because people are not the same.  People are not equal. So I would never presume what worked for me would work for you or vice versa. Also, I'm not interested in any one's ego trips. I could care less how great this or that workout program is compared to mine, in YOUR opinion. And another thing, do not try to halt my progress with negativity. I tune negative people out like they are a cancer, because that's what they are. Go mess up someone else's day, please. I do not have any cookies to give you for your sage advice. LOL.      

That being said, the world of exercise is full of self-proclaimed experts.  Always consult a real expert, not a charlatan!   

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